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Dwarves are the industrious mountain dwellers of Aslanes many mountains, and are the only race to not have suffered the depredations of the Dark Armies, though they have had troubles of their own.


A short and stocky race, the dwarves are renowned for their metal and stonework, which are of such quality that even elven weapons and armor are surpassed.  The dwarves pride themselves on being unmatched blacksmiths, and are the most patient of races.


There are several types of dwarves, including the Shield, Gold, and duegar.


The Shield dwarves are the most numerous of the dwarven races, and hold several mountain strongholds near the hyur and nord cities.  The shield dwarves like the nord and hyur due to the fact that both races appreciate their work, as well as are culturally friendly towards them.  They particularly like the nord, who are the only race that are known to be able to match a dwarf in a drinking contest.


Gold dwarves are more reclusive than their shield dwarf cousins, and prefer the magical arts to blacksmithing and mining.  This reclusive nature has made the gold dwarves and elves steady allies, as both appreciate the subtleties of magic.  Unlike their shield dwarf brethren, the gold dwarves live in surface settlements, though their buildings often look like small hills.


The duegar are considered to be of the dwarven race, however, they are not actually dwarves, and consider it an insult to be called grey dwarves.  The duegar and the shield dwarves are fierce enemies, as both come into contact quite often underground, and their hatred for each other surpasses that of the hatred between the drow and their surface cousins, so much so that the duegar have shocked even their drow allies with their hatred of the shield dwarves.

© 2015 by Justin Abel.

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