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The Nord are the second youngest of the mortal races, having come into existence before the appearance of the hyur, though some believe that due to the physical similarities, the hyur are descended from the nord.


The Nord are a powerful and long lived race that occupy the eastern portion of Aslane, ruling three distinct kingdoms.  The Nord stand between 6'5" to 7'4" in the males, and 6'3" to 7'2" in the females, and have powerful muscular builds in the males, while the females have beautiful and graceful builds that some say rival that of the elves.  Like the elves, the nord do not repoduce very quickly, though they do reproduce more quickly than the elves and dwarves.  The nord do not vary greatly in their appearances, though the nord that still inhabit the nord homeland have dark brown to blonde hair, while the nord that inhabit the southern areas of nord lands have light black to red hair.


The nord typically prefer the warrior professions, though thanks to their intelligence, many also become involved in politics.  While few had seen it prior to the war with the Dark Lord, the battles with the Dark Armies had revealed to many that the nord have the ability to shape-shift into a half-beastial battle form that is determined by a spiritual totem granted by the god that the particular nord worships.  Many of the victories against the Dark Armies are attributed to the battle-forms of the nords.

© 2015 by Justin Abel.

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